Tucked away in a remote corner of Tasmania, beyond the reach of paved roads, is a “cool” cave full of natural wonders displayed during an eerie cave tour, with great bonuses thrown in – nature walks, thermal springs and an invigorating swimming pool.

We present – Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs.

Hastings Caves and Thermal Springs are located in the far south of Tasmania’s amazing Huon Valley. It is a long, 90-minute  drive from Hobart – the closest big city.

We were based at a small village called Snug, about half hour drive south of Hobart. That helped with lesser driving time and traffic to the caves. It was still a 60-minute drive.

The drive was actually very pleasant because we passed through the picturesque Huon valley.  This beautiful corner of Tasmania (called the Southern Edge) has some very lovely scenery, and there are charming places to stop for a coffee on the way.

One such place is Huonville, a small town by the Huon River in the heart of Tasmania’s apple growing region. Geeveston, featuring some very tall trees, is close to the Hartz Mountains national park.  There are many waterfalls and mountain trails nearby, but the roads to these places are rough and unsealed and it is advisable to have a 4WD, as well as another car for company.

The colors of Huon River
Picturesque scenery en route

The Hastings cave lies within the Hastings Cave State Reserve, almost at the southern tip of Tasmania.

The landscape is typical “Karst”. Over millions of years, acid rain has dissolved the bedrock (limestone, marble and gypsum) to create sinking streams, sinkholes, caves, springs and other features. The foliage is typical of a temperate rainforest with many eucalyptus trees.

To reach the cave you have to leave the main road and drive 5 km on an unsealed road (ok for saloon cars) to reach the Visitors centre, behind which are the thermal springs and swimming pool. It is a spacious building with a café serving beverages and light snacks, a nice gift shop, and friendly staff explaining the details about the tour. You need to buy your tickets for the cave tour, which could start about 45-60 minutes from the time you get your tickets.  Then, you need to drive another 5 km to the parking lot at the cave.

Visitor centre
Wild moss-laden rainforest
Path to caves
Board walk to the caves

From there, you take a boardwalk to cross a hot springs creek, followed by a scenic path through a dense rainforest with wild ferns and moss laden tall trees, to reach the cave entrance. On the way you will see informative hand carved wooden signboards about loggers’ history and springs.  If you like, you can also take a short forest walk through boardwalks and forest paths to the cave entrance.

At the cave entrance, you have to wait while the guides form groups to 15-20 people. A quick briefing and overview, some instructions, and you enter the cave for the 45 minute cave tour.


When we had said that it is a “cool” cave, we did mean it in a literal sense as well. The temperature inside the cave was 9 degrees Centigrade when we visited the place in April. Warm clothes and sturdy shoes are needed.

As you climb down the first flight of stairs into the cave and your eyes get accustomed to the blend of pitch darkness and powerful electric lights, the first thing that you will notice are the abundance of “mites and tites’ – I mean stalagmites and stalactites.

You may know the old wisecrack about how to tell a ‘mite from a ‘tite, don’t you?  It’s like ants in the pants – the mites go up and the tites come down.

Raindrops pick up carbon dioxide from the air, forming a very weak acid, before falling to the ground.  If the ground is limestone, the acid dissolves the rock, creates cracks, and seeps through.  When the water reaches a cavity, e.g. a cave, it releases the carbon dioxide, and the water droplet falls to the ground, leaving a tiny particle of rock which forms a stalactite over millions of years.  The droplet may still have a tiny bit of dissolved rock left in it when it reaches the ground, and this rock gradually forms a stalagmite.

Colorful formations in the cave
Amazing Stalactites
Unique formations - flowstones
Stalactites in the cave

The tour takes you up and down endless flights of stairs (supposedly 250 each way) as you traverse through the cave gazing at the wondrous sights all around you. The guide keeps giving you short descriptions on the history, background and some geology too.

The guide will point out the incredible subterranean formations in this Dolomite cave – including stalactites, stalagmites, vertical columns, big flowstones, many thin straws and the unusual helictites.

The cave goes on changing gradually and new formations are forever developing. The guide pointed out to one of them that was over 75,000 years old!  The guides are very knowledgeable and respond to all questions from the visitors.

There are photo ops aplenty, because everywhere you look you will find something amazing, both in colour and shape.  The only difficulty is to figure out which shots will look great because what you see cannot always be captured through a camera lens.

The cave walk continues for about 2 kms, up and down stairs and through a few tight tunnels and gaps. There are some wide-open amphitheatres and paths with steps and many with handrails.

At one point, the lights are turned off for a while (called ‘blackout’) to get a feel of the cave. We could just hear the water dripping! Thankfully there were no bats!

When the tour ends, you can spend some time admiring the rainforest area and then get back to your car to return to the visitor centre.


Just behind the visitor centre are the Thermal Springs and Pool area. The pool has warm mineral rich water maintained at a comfortable 28 deg C temperature all year. There is a small wading pool for children. In addition, there are BBQ areas and hot showers too.

The pool area
Informative signboard
At the Nature trail at Hastings
Nature trail paths
Hand carved informative board

Apart from the pool, there are two interesting nature walks running alongside the Thermal Springs with Sassafras and ferns all around . There are many informative signboards on the walking path showing maps and details about formation of Thermal Springs.

During the nature walk, we passed a place where the cold water and thermal spring water run very close to each other. There is also a little stream where we could dip our feet into the ground water in the stream which was dark brown due to tannins washed out from the foliage. This was cold!  In contrast, the spring water, which seeps up from underground, was warm and bluish in color. Interesting!

There is also a platypus walk (common in most places in Tasmania) to spot the rare platypus! We were never lucky enough to spot any, though!

As with many places in Tasmania, there are no buses or trains to this destination. You need to rent and drive a car! The other option is to take a combo coach tour from Hobart which may combine the cave tour with other destinations as a full day trip.

All in all, it was an absolutely beautiful cave tour, well organised and made memorable with good guides.

Hastings caves in Tasmania
Hastings caves and Thermal Springs, TAS

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Leisurely Drives
Stalagmites and Stalactites at Hastings Caves, TAS
The colors of Huon River
Picturesque scenery en route
Visitor centre
Wild moss-laden rainforest
Path to caves
Board walk to the caves
Colorful formations in the cave
Amazing Stalactites
Unique formations - flowstones
Stalactites in the cave
The pool area
Informative signboard
At the Nature trail at Hastings
Nature trail paths
Hand carved informative board
Hastings caves in Tasmania
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